New Feature! SCP-D38813 Auxiliary Document Protocol

Hello SCP researchers!

A big thank you to everyone who’s been playing the game, today I have for you a new thing: custom documents. A few folks who have completed the game asked about whether there was a way they could extend play with their own content. Well, to celebrate the Catalog release, you can now do exactly that!

Animated image showing the new auxiliary documents entry in the main menu

The Protocol:

  1. Find a cool document to encipher.
  2. Write/copy it into a plain text file.
  3. Name the file something cool, that’ll show up as the name in game. You don’t need any kind of extension, just make sure it’s a plain text file.
  4. Mount your Playdate in Data Disk Mode
  5. Dig into the folder Data/com.subagio.scpd38813/ This should exist if you’ve ever launched and played the game. You should see a file here named savegame.dat
  6. Create a new folder named exactly custom. Drop your new document in there.
  7. You’re Done! Fire up the game and look for a new auxiliary documents category.

Screenshot showing the folder structure necessary to upload custom documents

I’m hopeful that y’all will share juicy documents with each other (classified, of course), or set up your own Playdate with the most personalized creepy documents you can imagine, to delight your frenemies and loved ones. A great place to share any particularly neat ones would be the Playdata Squad Discord.


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(1 edit)

Is the update not out yet?

Hit a tiny snag and unfortunately had to pull it. Working on a fix, should be up ASAP!